How do we stick over years with great passion to for example precious methodologies claimed as conducive to sustainable change and development that are seemingly alone unable of creating the overall needed peaceful change?
Some questions about The Art of Denial or positively expressed The Contemporary Art of Orientation:
Q1: What are still our blind spots with regard to how change and transformation happen without falling back into habitual patterns?
Q2: What if the methodologies
- in their own or commonly applied change settings -
lack a more comprehensive understanding of how change happens in and across different systems like humans, groups and organisations?
Q3: What if we shift our strong work focus from "creating the desired change" to "on being heavily stuck? (Leading from transforming habitual applied decision making patterns into ethical decision making patterns taking more of the whole into those processes)
Q4: What else do you see or discern in addition to Q1 to Q3 as promising when looking at patterns of decision making, patterns of processes, patterns of process understanding ... ?
I was inspired by "Die Metatheorie der Veränderung"
Some questions about The Art of Denial or positively expressed The Contemporary Art of Orientation:
Q1: What are still our blind spots with regard to how change and transformation happen without falling back into habitual patterns?
Q2: What if the methodologies
- in their own or commonly applied change settings -
lack a more comprehensive understanding of how change happens in and across different systems like humans, groups and organisations?
Q3: What if we shift our strong work focus from "creating the desired change" to "on being heavily stuck? (Leading from transforming habitual applied decision making patterns into ethical decision making patterns taking more of the whole into those processes)
Q4: What else do you see or discern in addition to Q1 to Q3 as promising when looking at patterns of decision making, patterns of processes, patterns of process understanding ... ?
I was inspired by "Die Metatheorie der Veränderung"