5Rhythms in Rhodes ~ R E J O I C E ~
11- 13 September 2015
Rhodes, Greece
5Rhythms Workshop led by Alexa Rani Schmid
“JOY is a meeting place,
of deep intentionality and self forgetting,
the bodily alchemy of what lies inside us
in communion with what formally seemed outside…”
~ David Whyte
We are wholeheartedly inviting you into: ...
A dynamic creative movement and dance meditation workshop…
On this dance floor, we intend to work on the subtle layers of joy through body movements based on the 5Rhythms map…
5Rhythms is a creative movement and dance meditation developed by Gabrielle Roth. Collectively the 5 qualities of being – Flowing Staccato Chaos Lyrical Stillness ™-- create a wave of energy that allows us to our bodies and innermost feelings. Thousands of people around the world, regardless of age, weight or shape practice 5Rhythms. They come to classes in order to catalyse deep healing in the mind, body and soul and bring out their creative potential.
The 5Rhythms® are states of Being. They are a map to everywhere we want to go, on all planes of consciousness – inner and outer, forward and back, physical, emotional and intellectual. They are markers on the way back to a real self, a vulnerable, wild passionate, instinctive self.
When surrendering to the 5Rhythms, the energy, the music and your breath …magic starts to unfold…
Dates / Times & Place:
Friday 11th to Sunday 13th of September 2015
Friday from 18.00 to 21.00 (and an open 5 Rhythms Wave evening)
Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 17.00
Where: Elli Paraskeva Dance School, Rhodes - Greece: 35, Venetokleon street - 85100 Rhodes ~ GREECE.
Accommodation: In Rhodes, a hosting place and a place of crossroads of cultures, there is a great variety and range
of accommodation options. Our international participants are invited to search and choose on their own and also feel free to contact us
if you need assistance. We would be very happy to assist.
Early Bird and ...late boomers offer now extended till the 31st of August:
160 euros for our international participants - 130 euros for Greek participants *
Full fee: We offer a scaling fee for 200*/250 to 400 euros which includes the 3-day workshop.
It does not include accommodation or food. We would like to invite various options, community or individual for our meals
during the training.
*Note on the Economy of this Workshop:
We are fully aware of the timing, the significance and service of this unique workshop and we want to serve its sustainability
therefore facilitating the delivery of this gift to us individually and collectively: "Hard times require furious dancing" ~ Alice Walker.
Our general economy principle is for the well being of the group, trust of self-organisation and sustainability:
"Offer as much as you can and a little bit more for those you can contribute with less...." .
We embrace all resources, creativity and solidarity...
Furthermore: Currently In Greece there is a growing network of complementary currencies and alternative economies flourishing.
This is due to the massive disruption to the “mainstream” economic system. We want to honor that there are many people in Greece
and elsewhere who are working and living with these multiple forms of currency, and that in fact, cash and money is not always available,
but other forms of currency are.
We also acknowledge this condition by offering a lower "money" participation fee for the Greek participants.
So if you want to take part and you have ideas about offering other forms of currency, do contact us with your ideas.
If you r e a l l y want to take part, please do not let money be a barrier.
Should you need to discuss with us on the above as well as accommodation assistance, please contact Maria at: [email protected] .
The teacher:
Alexa Rani Schmid is teaching both the Wave and Heartbeat levels of the 5 Rhythms® map. She fell in love with the practice on first step in 1999 and was authorized to facilitate by Gabrielle Roth in 2005 Wave and 2010 Heartbeat level. She is a trained Counselor for Integrated Body Psychotherapy (IKP), a pedagogue and is in an ongoing learning process of movement, healing and meditation. Alexa is known to hold the space with a deep sense of compassion, clarity and humour. She offers the participants the opportunity to become curious about the latent potential in their moving bodies and hearts. Her presence supports them to step into the unknown in a safe environment where they can become aware of their own skills and creativity through exploring movement. She is currently based in Istanbul and facilitates mainly in Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Dubai and Eastern Europe. She is a mother of a grown up daughter.
The callers:
This workshop is called by SynErgy - Συνέργεια and Yoga Now Rhodes and the friendship of Maria, Jurgen and David in partnership with the learning field & power of place of Rhodes, along with their love and passion for dance, personal & collective evolution and creativity.
For more information and registration, please contact Maria at: [email protected] and/or +30 6937107443
or fill in the form below.
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