Questions about Self like "Who am I ?" or "What am I here?" or on earth ?" find a very smart and elegant response in a highly profound and ethical mentor-mentee-relationship (the same applies for the relationship between coach and coachee).
The solid ground of this relationship is compounded of trust: On the one hand the enormous trust of the mentor he has developed in his own life, on the other hand the client's trust he feels in himself for stepping ahead into an "unavoidable" relationship with the mentor.
The mentee knows often only very vague what he could do about his unfulfilling situation in life. At the same time his heart or body sensations may indicate already that something is wanted to be born. Quite frequently he has also a kind of glimpse at the dawn's horizon about "what is at stake" for the well-being and fulfillment of his unique life call. In this situation he may feel puzzled, perplexed, fear, tension, pain and sadness. An experienced mentor helps significantly in this zone of uncertainty and not-knowing.
After having a first conversation the mentor is screening in the following step the mentee's horizon by asking questions that really matter (at this point) to his life. Questions about his success so far, his unique gifts he can offer etc. are part of getting more of the whole picture.
The mentor offers trustful and ethical support in his life's quest while providing constructive, analytical, emotional and metaphorical feedback, inquiring into the mentees Self so that his sails can take the winds of his own life force to shores he would like to belong to.
What are your reasons to go for mentoring or coaching? Here are some good reasons which may resonate:
You want ...
- to feel the trust and support for committing to your life's purpose wholeheartedly
- to understand how your body-mind works
- to discover what really matters for your life
- to make sensing journeys into where your energy flows.
- to get acquainted with your fears and where they are situated
- to become more alive, at ease, powerful and joyful in pursuing your life's destination (despite sometimes hard work)
- to develop unshakable Self-confidence
- to get inspiration, advice, and prototyping support
- to be mirrored and witnessed while the world in and around you experiences tectonic shifts.
- to have support in questioning belief sentences, thinking patterns, and illusoriness values
- to develop your life long spiritual path
- to obtain support in fostering presence, body awareness, and compassion
- to live in fulfilling relationships
- to become more sane, loving and generous
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